Covanta and EQT Infrastructure to Create a Standalone Waste-to-Energy Platform in Europe

Covanta and EQT Infrastructure to Create a Standalone Waste-to-Energy Platform in Europe

…collaboration in the ensuing months." "Covanta Europe appreciates the efforts of the broader team at Covanta and EQT for laying the groundwork for this technologically advanced platform, which is a key enabler of sustainable non-recyclable waste and materials processing in alignment with the waste hierarchy.
Hydrostor inks $250 million investment for energy storage growth

Hydrostor inks $250 million investment for energy storage growth

The Gem A-CAES Project is a full-scale Advanced Compressed Air Energy Storage (A-CAES) facility that is under active development. Goldman Sachs is investing $250 million to help the company build more than 1 GW/8.7GWh of its Advanced Compressed Air Energy Storage (A-CAES) projects in California and Australia.