SITA UK has been awarded a seven year contract to process up to 79,000 tonnes residual municipal waste into solid recovered fuel (SRF) for use at a CEMEX cement kiln in Rugby.
According to the company – a part of SUEZ Environnement (Paris: SEV, Brussels: SEVB) – the contract with Northamptonshire County Council is worth up to £53 million and has the option for a five-year extension which could increase the value of the contract to £90 million.
During the first two years of the new contract SITA said that waste will continue to be sent its landfill in Wellingborough, Northamptonshire.
However, from 2015 Northamptonshire’s waste will be sent to its new 200,000 tonne per year solid fuel recovery facility in Rugby, which will be commissioned in 2014.
SITA added that it will then supply the fuel produced to CEMEX to use at its Rugby cement kilns as part of its 25 year partnership to supply the cement manufacturer with alternative fuel.
“Once our new facility in Rugby becomes operational we will be able to help put their residual waste to good use by creating an alternative fuel, replacing the use of fossil fuels,” said Jean-Louis Chaussade, CEO of SUEZ Environnement.
Councillor Michael Clarke, Northamptonshire County Council’s portfolio holder for Transport, Highways and Environment, commented: “The county council isn’t investing in new facilities, but making full use of the facilities that the waste management industry offers.”
SITA has also recently started producing SRF another new facility in Birmingham (See WMW Story).
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