Indiantown, Florida (PRWEB) August 23, 2012

13553296981287-300x300-noupAccording to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the effects of the drought gripping the United States countryside is also trickling to global food markets. “Climate change is projected to increase the frequency, intensity, and duration of droughts, with impacts on many sectors, in particular food, water, and energy,” said WMO Secretary-General Michel Jarraud. As a result, the WMO has suggested adopting international water conservation policies.

This extreme drought is also contributing to the worst growing season nationwide in decades. The USDA’s August Crop Production report showed Corn and Soy production is down 13% and 12% respectively from 2011. The WMO acknowledges the global implications and negative effects of these droughts. Luc Gnacadja, Executive Secretary of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) suggested we need, “Effective long-term solutions to mitigate the effects of drought, and address desertification and land degradation urgently need to be mainstreamed in national development plans and policies.”

Genuine Bio-Fuel offers a technologically advanced solution for the Green Energy Industry to mitigate the negative effects on the environment. Unlike the rest of the biodiesel producers Genuine Bio-Fuel does not use water for washing fuel and therefore does not dispose of any contaminated water into the sewer or environment. “Our patent pending manufacturing and cleaning processes were designed with the environmental impact in mind. We believe creating green energy should not compromise the safety of our environment,” said Jeff Longo, Executive Vice President of the company.

The innovative technology allows Genuine Bio-Fuel to refine green fuels from waste vegetable oil, used cooking oils and other acceptable feedstocks. Whereas many green fuels consume corn, soy or other crops and force higher prices of food in the process.

Genuine Bio-Fuel Inc. is a leader in biodiesel manufacturing process technology. Working with local communities since 2008 they collect used vegetable cooking oil, refine it and efficiently produces renewable, sustainable clean biodiesel that meets or exceeds the required ASTM standards. An RFS-2 Registered Renewable Fuel Producer, this dedicated environmental steward is 100% privately funded.

To find more information on Genuine Bio-Fuel environmental benefits contact by phone toll free 866-268-7885, or via email at gbf(at)genuinebiofuel(dot)com.

To find out more about Genuine Bio-Fuel’s please visit our website

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