Wexford, PA (PRWEB) November 02, 2012
MHF, a leading provider of packaging, transportation, logistics and technical services of environmentally sensitive materials, recently announced that it is expanding locations for the transfer of hard and soft-sided packaging from trucks to railcars.
MHF is well known in the hazardous and radioactive material markets for its national network of regulatory-compliant truck-to-rail transload facilities. Generators of hazardous and radioactive material routinely retain MHF to transload bulk solid material into gondola railcars for rail transport to processing and disposal facilities.
However, generators of environmentally sensitive materials not suitable for bulk transload—such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs); odiferous, dusty, residual semi-solid material from wastewater treatment; or sludge from dredge operations—also can benefit from rail by packaging their materials in containers for transfer from trucks to rail flatcars.
MHF’s high capacity “intermodal” containers feature sealed gaskets to ensure that they remain watertight and the most secure closure system available in the rail industry. The containers can be lifted with equipment usually found at a work site, such as a crane or forklift, and can be opened and closed easily.
“Truck-to-rail transloading is one of MHF’s core competencies and key service offerings,” said Patrick Alcorn, MHF Business Development Manager. “It enables generators without direct rail access at their facility or project site to still take full advantage of rail.” Alcorn noted that, in addition to improved economics, the benefits of rail versus truck are reduced carbon emissions, lower fuel costs, and greater safety.
MHF has always had the capabilities to transfer containers from trucks to rail flatcars at all of its facilities. Now, MHF is establishing several additional facilities for container transfer.
New and planned transfer facilities are at the following locations:
Baltimore, MD
Plainville, CT
Tampa, FL
Tulsa, OK
Houston, TX.
These new locations will supplement MHF’s existing network of facilities in North Bergen, NJ; Worcester, MA; Oak Ridge, TN; and Parker, AZ.
MHF is currently performing several container transfer projects at transfer facilities, including non-RCRA solid waste from a site in Stoughton, MA via the Worcester, MA facility and TENORM-contaminated soil from a site in Niagara Falls, NY via an MHF-sourced transfer yard.
Meanwhile, the Parker, AZ facility—which MHF established specifically to provide clients in the nuclear industry with the option of rail-to-truck transport to the Nevada Nuclear Security Site in Mercury, NV—has long served Nuclear Fuel Services and the West Valley Demonstration Project.
MHF also can establish a facility to exclusively serve a remote or high-production site. For example, MHF has operated a dedicated transfer facility for a major mining company at a site in Nevada for the past six years. MHF also locates temporary facilities for project-specific use on a short-term basis.
MHF offers a private fleet of containers and railcars for use in truck-to-rail transfer projects. MHF containers also may be leased on a short-term basis for non-rail use, such as direct truck transport or on-site storage. MHF containers range from Type A shielded containers and IP-1 intermodal containers for radioactive materials to tarp-top containers for non-hazardous use.
MHF continually upgrades or replaces containers, and currently has several hundred older containers for sale that are still viable for storage or transport.
In addition, MHF offers a line of soft-sided packages, such as its proprietary Lift Liners™, that can be loaded into gondola railcars for truck-to-rail transport.
MHF has a long history of transporting materials via rail. In 1994, MHF pioneered the use of rail in the hazardous and nuclear waste markets, creating a unique market niche within the railroad service industry.
Prior to MHF’s innovative, asset-based approach to rail logistics, hazardous, toxic and radioactive waste materials were most often transported by truck or by non-dedicated, railroad-supplied equipment. MHF’s rail-based approach has enabled its customers to realize savings of 50 percent or more.
MHF remains one of the railroads’ largest clients for the transport of radioactive and hazardous waste, materials, and byproducts. Now in its 18th year, MHF has transported more than 13,000,000 tons of material.
About MHF Services
MHF Services (http://www.mhfservices.com) is an integrated packaging, transportation and logistics provider offering seamless solutions for generators and shippers of radioactive, hazardous, and non-hazardous waste, materials, and byproducts. MHF provides transportation and logistics solutions to U.S. Department of Energy contractors, and companies in the nuclear utilities, environmental services, energy, mining, metals, chemical, and petrochemical industries.
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