The Combined Shareholders’ Meeting of Veolia Environnement took place at the Maison de la Mutualité in Paris, on Tuesday, May 14, 2013, under the chairmanship of Mr. Antoine Frérot, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Company. All of the résolutions submitted to the Combined Shareholders’ Meeting were carried by wide majorities.In particular, the Shareholders:
- Renewed la Caisse des dépôts et consignations represented by Mr. Olivier Mareuse and Mr. Paolo Scaroni as Directors for four-year terms expiring on the occasion of the shareholders’ meeting called to approve the financial statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2016.
- Ratified the co-optation of Mrs. Marion Guillou as Director and renewed her term of office for a four-year period expiring on the occasion of the shareholders’ meeting called to approve the financial statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2016.
- Approved the option to receive payment of the 2012 dividend of €0.70 either in shares or in cash. Shareholders may opt(1) for the payment of the dividend in shares between May 20, 2013 and June 4, 2013 inclusive, by sending their request to their financial intermediary.
The issue price of the new shares resulting from exercise of the option for the payment of the dividend in shares was set at €8.51. For shares listed on the NYSE Euronext Paris regulated market, the ex-dividend date will be May 20, 2013(2) and the dividend will be made payable in cash or in shares as from June 14, 2013(3). - Approved the company financial statements and the consolidated financial statements for fiscal year 2012.
See for the results of voting on the resolutions and a full webcast of the Combined Shareholders’ Meeting.
(1) Important information for non-resident shareholders: Foreign legal restrictions may apply to the payment of the dividend in shares. These shareholders are required to take cognizance of applicable conditions under the laws and rules of their country of residence.
(2) ADR holders may be subject to different election and payment dates and should consult the depositary for details.
(3) Practical arrangements for the option to receive payment of the dividend in shares or in cash will be communicated to shareholders of Veolia Environnement by their financial intermediaries. See for details of these arrangements.
Source: Veolia Environnement