Waste to Energy International (WTEI) uses different types of turbines during the development of alternative energy projects. As the result, we can supply a variety of power generation solutions, mostly represented by gas turbines. Steam turbines and power ships can be supplied by additional request.
Small range gas turbines
Small range gas turbines GT250 and GT333 are gas turbines with the ability to generate reliable, ultra-clean, continuous power from wasted or associated methane gas. The rugged design of these turbines makes them particularly well-suited to the remote oilfield environment.

Features and Benefits
Rugged Design
- Safe, Quiet, Low Maintenance operation for unmanned sites
- Ability to startup 100HP+ loads Direct On-Line (DOL) with synchronous generator
- High tolerance for Sour Gas with a tolerance of 6,500 ppmv of H2S
- > 10 x lower emissions than a typical diesel-fired engine generator
- Proven lubricated bearing design is widely used among mission-critical and utility-grade gas turbines
- Packaging options available for offshore, arctic, tropical, and classified environments
Economic Benefit
- Eliminate costly utilization of diesel fuel for remote onsite power
- Control your costs of electricity and heat
- Low maintenance – only 8 hours of planned maintenance per year
Environmental Benefit
- Quiet operation (77 dB @ 1m)
- Super low emissions
- Avoided usage of flares, diesel fuel for generation
Middle range gas turbines

Our middle range of gas turbines is represented by several models of gensets:
- 1MW
- 2MW
- 4MW
- 10MW
All of them have the similar packages and features.
- Aero-derivative Gas Turbine Engine by General Electric
- Horizontal Brushless Air Cooled Generator
- Gearbox and Coupling
- Control System
- Lubrication and Cooling Systems
- Inlet Air and Exhaust Gas Systems
- Weather Proof, Sound-attenuated Enclosure
- Available in 50 Hz or 60 Hz cycles
- Industrial Gas Turbine Package ideal for continuous 24/7 power with cost-efficient operation
- Modular Skid Mounted Systems that are pre-wired to eliminate expensive field wiring and installation time
- “Plug-and-Play”
- Designed for easy maintenance and servicing so that there is minimum downtime
- Standard off-the-shelf hardware makes it easy to obtain parts without stoppage
- Compact, integrated system that is completely self-contained and comes fully factory tested
- Long intervals between maintenance cycles over reciprocating engines
- Liquid or gaseous fuel capability
- On-skid PC-based control system and options for remote monitoring
- Fully automated system
- Increased electrical power generation over competing alternatives
- Optional Heat Recovery Steam Generation for Combined Heat and Power Applications
Proven Expertise in alternative energy Development and Construction
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We know how to get energy from the sun, air and waste. Let’s build a better future for everyone, together!