If you spend much time away from an outlet and use your smartphone a lot, you know how hard it can be to keep the device charged up and working. There are a bunch of ways to help keep your phone topped off with many people resorting to battery cases for more power and runtime. If you live in Boston, keeping your smartphone or tablet charged when you are out of the home or office could soon be as easy as a visit to the park.
Boston parks will be getting solar powered benches called Soofas that have a built in solar charging station for gadgets. The tech was first piloted in 2013 and the tech in the benches has been updated to give more sitting area. Updated benches now have USB ports to charge two devices at the same time.
The company behind the solar benches also plans to roll out the tech for places like Starbucks over time. Each of the solar power charging benches costs around $3000 and has a 25-year guarantee.
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