Essex Junction, VT (PRWEB) June 8, 2006
Oil: A Challenge Today, A Crisis Tomorrow.
Robert Forenza a principal from Dipetane Northeast, LLC, manufacturers and distributors of Dipetane Fuel Technology, shares the latest oil industry data and the impact that it will have on the long and short term.
Some of the facts presented include:
· World: 1.1 trillion barrels of proven crude oil reserves
U.S.: 25% of world’s daily oil consumption
World: 85 million barrels of oil consumed daily
U.S. less than 5% of the worlds population
China is a ravenous oil consumer (USD $ 820 b)
75% of oil produced by a few nations
Oil as a political and economic tool (Iran, OPEC)
2005 oil imports up 39.4% over 2004 ($ 251 b)
2005 Trade Deficit up 17.5% over 2004 ($ 725 b)
2005 Trade Deficit with China up 24% over 2004 ($ 201 b)
Oil & China make up 62% of U.S. Trade Deficit in 2005
US demand ~21 million barrels of oil daily.
US imports ~12.5 million barrels of oil daily.
US have a refining capacity of ~17 million barrels of oil daily.
The facts point to unprecedented fuel cost levels that will create significant challenges for all energy users. Historically, the cost of fuel for both the trucking, marine and transport industries have run around 5% of operating expenses. Today, it is not uncommon to see fuel exceed 20% of those expenses. This drastic increase has a profound effect on profitability, to the point that it can compromise the ability to operate a profitable business.
While there are many alternate energy options being developed, the widespread implementation of those successful options will take years and even decades until they significantly reduce the amount of petroleum based fuels required annually worldwide. The need for fuel conservation programs has never been greater. Conservation programs should include:
Good vehicle maintenance
Intelligent asset management
Driver incentive programs
Forward thinking business owners
The use of existing, proven and economically viable fuel treatments.
Dipetane Fuel Technology falls into this latter category.
What is Dipetane?
Dipetane is a 100% hydrocarbon fuel treatment that enables gasoline, diesel, biodiesel, ULSD, kerosine, heating oils and bunker fuels to burn more efficiently, hence improving fuel economy while reducing emissions output.
Proven in over 100 million miles of service, Dipetane is different from any other fuel products to get better mileage and run cleaner engines. Dipetane reduces fuel costs by improving fuel economy from 10% to 15%. Dipetane releases more chemical energy available from fuel, resulting in more power and better mileage. It also helps burns more carbons that would normally cause carbon deposit build-up, therefore extending both oil and engine life.
Gasoline powered vehicles experience increased fuel economy and power while emissions are reduced for lesser environmental impact.
Biodiesel fuels benefit by the addition of Dipetane to increase fuel economy and reduce nitrous oxide emissions.
Diesel fuels treated with Dipetane burn so completely that carbon deposits are essentially eliminated in the combustion chamber, eventually leaving then nearly as efficient as when they were new. Black diesel smoke is eliminated. And soot and acid levels in oil are dynamically reduced with continued use.
Dipetane’s History-
During the Arab oil embargo in 1973 an English petroleum chemist developed a product to reduce the amount of fuel used by boilers. The inventor believed that he could improve the combustion efficiency of petroleum beyond the process used since the 1800s. His original hypothesis was to “develop a method to re-process” refinery fuel to improve burn efficiency. During the next 10 years, he found that only a small portion of the fuel needed re-processing in order to affect all of the fuel. It took another three years to finalize the product into a fuel soluble product able to be used in all petroleum fuels. The result is Dipetane™.
Dipetane is formulated exclusively with content found in petroleum fuels. The added benefit of improving the combustion efficiency is reduction of harmful emissions.
Dipetane’s approach: Simply Better
When mixed into gasoline, diesels and heavier fuel oils, Dipetane causes more of the fuel to be burned. By burning more fuel, more energy is released therefore reducing the amount of fuel required to perform the same amount of work. In addition, fewer emissions are left un-combusted and fewer contaminants work their way into the oil and into the environment.
Dipetane burns so much of the fuel that instead of adding carbon deposits (primarily unburned asphaltine molecules) to the surfaces of the combustion chamber, deposits are radically reduced. The combustion process is comprised of severe changes in heat and pressure. These changes actually buffet the existing carbon deposits and as they lose adhesion, they are gradually eroded away. Without the deposits, more oxygen is freed up for the combustion process and heat is reduced. At this stage, not only is the engine is cleaner, but they travel farther and help extend the life of a vehicle. The removal of Combustion Chamber Deposits (CCD’s) makes Dipetane different from many other products.
After the combustion chamber is cleaned up, increased power and more efficient use of fuel reduces the amount of fuel required to perform the same amount of work.
What are the Benefits of Dipetane?
· Increases fuel economy by 10-15%.
· Meets or exceeds all fuel specifications.
· Cleans the fuel injectors and keeps them clean.
· Lubricates fuel injection pump.
· Extends engine life.
· Burns away carbon deposits from the combustion chamber.
· Cleans tanks and supply lines of sludge and heavy deposits.
· Dipetane mixes readily with fuel requiring no further circulation.
· Dipetane treated fuels actually burn cooler, significantly reducing nitrous oxide.
· Dipetane has a longer stability life than diesel fuel or gasoline
· Blends at a ratio of 1:200; 1 gallon of Dipetane treat 200 gallons of fuel
Why use Dipetane?
Dipetane treated fuel is the best fuel an engines can burn.
In fuel savings alone, Dipetane will save more than 2-3 times its cost! Add to that reduced engine wear, longer lasting oil and filters and the cost savings expands even more.
Visualize this:
1 in 10 of vehicles fueling for free.
No black diesel smoke
Longer lasting equipment
reduce the need for imported oil.
Proven performance
Over 100 million miles of usage has proven Dipetane to be safe and effective.
Removes CCD’s
Combustion Chamber Deposits (CCD’s) absorb oxygen, increase combustion temperatures and comprise the “wear particles” that scuff cylinder sleeves. Free up that oxygen and the chamber burns fuel like new. Remove the wear particle and the engine lasts longer.
Dipetane is non hazardous and non corrosive. Dipetane is safe in all recommended applications-Use in gasoline and diesel powered cars, trucks, railroad and marine EMD engines, heavy equipment. Found to work especially well in heating fuels, kerosine, home heating oil, and even heavy oil for larger boiler and marine applications.
Meets All Fuel Specifications-
Because Dipetane only contains approved fuel components, Dipetane-treated fuel meets all manufacturer and regulatory fuel specifications. Maintains ASTM fuel specifications. Use of Dipetane will not void engine warranties.
Eliminates Diesel Smoking-
Normally, visible diesel smoke is caused by partially clogged fuel injectors that drip fuel into the chamber instead of atomizing it. The dripped fuel doesn’t burn well resulting in black smoke. With Dipetane’s ability to keep your engine running clean, no more worry’s about clogged fuel injectors!
Dipetane and the Environment-
The use of Dipetane™ treated fuels reduces harmful emissions from burning of petroleum or biodiesel fuels like Sulfur dioxide (SO2), Nitrogen oxides (NOx) and Carbon dioxide (CO2), a green house gas (GHG). Sulfur dioxide (SO2) and Nitrogen oxides (NOx) are the primary causes of acid rain, which has two parts: wet and dry.
Wet deposition refers to acidic rain, fog, and snow. As this acidic water flows over and through the ground and into streams, lakes and wetlands, it affects a variety of plants and animals. The strength of the effects depend on many factors, including how acidic the water is, the chemistry and buffering capacity of the soils involved, and the types of fish, trees, and other living things including humans that rely on the water.
Dry deposition refers to acidic gases and particles. About half of the acidity in the atmosphere falls back to earth, including streams, lakes and wetlands through dry deposition. The wind blows these acidic particles and gases onto buildings, cars, homes, forests, crop and rangelands. Dry deposited gases and particles can also be washed from trees and other surfaces by rainstorms. When that happens, the runoff water adds those acids to the acid rain, making the combination more acidic than the falling rain alone.
Prevailing winds blow the compounds that cause both wet and dry acid deposition across state and national borders, and many times over hundreds if not thousands of miles.
Dipetane™ treated fuels are the economical way to conserve oil, while reducing harmful emissions, including Green House Gases It’s use nationwide would help to lower America’s foreign trade deficit.
For every 1.0 million gallons of Dipetane™ treated gasoline, diesel fuel or home heating oil:
NOx is reduced by 39 Tons.
SOX is reduced by 3 Tons.
CO2 Green House Gas is reduced by 1.455 Tons.
Dipetane will typically show an immediate improvement of about 3% to 6%, which more then pays for the product. The improvement after clean-up is between 10% and 15%.
In gasoline engines, improvement can be seen after burning just a few tanks of Dipetane treated fuel.
Current Users and Testimonials:
Transport Manager
Coca Cola Ireland, user since 1986
“I have always monitored our MPG most carefully and continue to do so especially in today’s high-priced fuel markets. My ongoing monitoring of MPG proves to me that the initial significant fuel savings are still being achieved due to the use of Dipetane.”
Dipetane™ treated Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) fuel has been used for 2-years by Capistrano Unified School District in Orange County California to surpass the EPA 2007 requirements for ULSD fuels.
Director of Transportation,
Capistrano Unified School District, San Juan Capistrano, Ca.
“Capistrano Unified School District used Dipetane in all of our buses for the entire 2004 – 2005 school year. By our calculations this product has saved us approximately $ 60,000. Our district tested the product for 4 months, the results of which indicated that our buses traveled 62,000 additional miles on 2,000 fewer gallons of fuel. We believe using Dipetane is in the best interest of CUSD and recommend any one that asks to test it for themselves.
“CUSD uses cleaner burning ultra low sulfur fuel and has installed particulate traps on its buses to provide a cleaner exhaust. Dipetane improves performance another step. We are committed to seeking the best technologies to reduce emissions and provide the cleanest environment for the community.”
Fleet Maintenance Supervisor
Pupil Transportation Cooperative, Whittier, Ca.
“After reading that Capistrano Unified School District had improved its fuel economy using Dipetane and decided that it was worth a try. We have exceeded our expectations and are now getting well over the initial 15% we saw early on,” said PTC’s Fleet Maintenance Supervisor. “Not only did we get better fuel economy, but I have not had a single bus fail the opacity test this year. We are saving money on our fuel and the buses are running cleaner.
“Fuel costs are rising, so we need to save wherever possible. Adding improved performance is even better.”
Dipetane Northeast LLC has Offices in Vermont and New Jersey with distribution points to service the United States and Canada. For more information on how this technology could make difference to all of us, contact:
Robert Forenza
DIpetane Northeast LLC
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