A High Court judgement has upheld the decision to award planning permission or Amey Cespa’s proposed 320,000 tonne per year waste to energy facility at Allerton Park near Knaresborough, North Yorkshire.
Following the ruling, Marton cum Grafton Parish Council, which brought the Judicial Review against North Yorkshire County Council, Ameycespa and the City of York Council, said in a statement that it is now considering its future legal options.
It should be noted that this particular Judicial Review related solely to the planning permission. North Yorkshire County Council itself has submitted an application to the High Court asking for a judicial review into the Defra’s decision to withdraw £65 million of waste infrastructure credits.
The development in question is a waste recovery park at Allerton Park Quarry near Knaresborough, North Yorkshire.
The planning application, which was granted in February this year, comprises a tipping hall, a mechanical treatment facility, an anaerobic digestion facility, a unit housing six air-cooled condensers and a waste to energy facility.
In its statement the Parish Council said: “Although the Judge listened carefully to the arguments put forward very powerfully by our Q.C., they were not strong enough to prevail.”
“We will continue to try to persuade County Councillors that the scheme is unsound and that it should be abandoned in favour of more financially and environmentally sustainable solutions,” it added.
Unsurprisingly the decision received a somewhat warmer welcome from North Yorkshire County Council.
“The planning process has been vindicated by the judge and that he has ruled that the Planning and Regulatory Functions Committee was right to grant planning permission for the development,” commented County Councillor Gareth Dadd, executive member for highways and planning services.
“The technologies included in the AWRP development will enable us to move away from landfilling our waste to a sustainable long term solution which generates green electricity,” he added.
The full judgement can be downloaded HERE
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