International companies have been invited to submit proposals for waste to energy facilities to treat some of the 6500 tonnes of waste generated in Mumbai every day.
According to a report by The Times of India, the invitation was made by the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) in the hope of alleviating the worsening condition of the two operational dumping grounds in Deonar and Kanjurmarg.
The report said that the BMC has invited expressions of interest from experienced companies offering sustainable technologies to treat waste and generate energy from it.
Initially the BMC is reportedly planning to develop three facilities, each with a capacity of 1000 metric tonnes per day – one for Island City, eastern and western suburbs.
“If we are able to start the three plants, a lot of load can be taken off the dumping grounds. Depending on the performance of these plants, we will decide whether to increase their number,” a senior civic official from the solid waste management department is reported to have said.
According to The Times of India, senior civic officials hope that companies from South Korea, Sweden and Germany will come forward and show interest.
Civic officials are also reported to have visited other cities, including Pune and Delhi, where waste to energy plants are operational.
However, the report added that the civic officials have concerns about operating the plants during the monsoon as the waste would have a high water content.
Source: Waste Management World
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