In November 2013 .A.S.A. celebrated its 25th anniversary. The results of the year 2013 show, that the Group is fit and at good track despite of the negative trends in some markets.
Himberg, March 6th, 2014. “The year 2013 was quite challenging for us”, comments Björn Mittendorfer, since January 1st, 2014 the new Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of the .A.S.A. Group. “Especially the new legislative situation in Hungary, which forced us to scale down our activities considerably, as well as the difficult market situation in Austria left their marks on the Groups result”.
In this situation .A.S.A. was benefiting from being a well-diversified multinational Group as the consolidated external sales nonetheless reached the amount of the 354 M€, at which also the overall group margins could be stabilised on a reasonable level. “We were profiting from the increase in performance in Slovakia, Romania, Poland and Serbia. Chiefly the last ones “scored” an annual boost of more than 25%” highlights Mittendorfer.