According to the results of independent reviews, about 30% of currently running biogas power stations are in crisis. Owners meet problems of lowering the power of biogas units caused by lowering of methane production, arising of concentration of ammonia nitrogen in the fertilizers produced. Those issues can occur due to impact of several factor: changing the composition of the feedstock; compromising of the technology; deviation from the set up parameters; qualification of the personnel and absence of the precise express-analysis performed in automatic mode.
Our company provides consulting and practically help in recovery of biogas units, increasing quantity and quality of biogas produced, and as a result, significantly increases effectiveness of biogas units, what leads to reducing of return of investment (ROI) term.
Recovery procedures are performed using unique patented methods and know-how, what gives excellent results.
After recovery of biogas units performed by our specialists, concentration of methane in biogas produced rise up to 85-87%, and the level of ammonia nitrogen in fertilizers goes down to 0.6-1 g/liter.
Please contact:
Sergey Kosterev
mob.: +7 (926) 272-49-29
e-mail: [email protected]