WTEI consortium performed key meetings with Ethiopian officials. Recently, we published a post “Waste to energy development in Africa – a new plant by WTEI“. Now we can reveal that we mentioned the development of the new plant in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Following the schedule of the project, our local partner Covenant Engineering organised and physically attended important meetings in Addis Ababa. Other consortium members (WTEI and OAK), due to the complicated COVID-19 situation, participated in those meetings by video.

WTE plant presentation for meetings with Ethiopian officials
Addis Ababa WTE plant clip art

When developing a waste to energy project, we focus on the feasibility study and preparation of the essential agreements to sign with the local governmental authorities. These agreements are power purchase agreement, concession agreement and land lease agreement. The first one we have to sign with the state-owned electricity distribution company. The second and third agreements we have to sign with the municipality. Also, in many countries, a significant role in the project belongs to the investment committee. In Ethiopia, it issues the investment license.

Meetings with Ethiopian officials in November, 2021

That is why we have several meetings with Ethiopian officials: the Ethiopian Investment Commission, the Addis Ababa city administration and the Ethiopian Electric Power company.

Her Excellency Ms Lelise Neme, the Commissioner of the Ethiopian Investment Commission, mentioned that the project for the investment and construction of the waste-to-energy plant in Addis Ababa has the utmost importance. Such a project can bring substantial investments to the economy of the country. Dr Ewnetu, Senior Advisor to the Commissioner, asked several professional questions, which OAK, as the investor, clarified.

Herr Excellency Ms Weynshet, Deputy City Manager, declared the significance and support of the project. Together with Dr Eshetu, Director of Solid Waste Management, she touched on several topics related to the ecological aspects of the plant and its residuals. WTEI, as the technical developer, provided detailed answers to these questions.

After that, in two meetings with Ethiopian Electric Power, Mr Ato Ashebir Balcha (CEO) and Mr Wudineh Yemane (Engineering Executive) participated. The discussion with consortium members covered the technical and economic questions of the projects. Parties discussed the preparation of the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). OAK and WTEI work now on this document.

To sum up, the meetings mentioned above provided a new impulse to the project and created a solid background for finalising the feasibility study.

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  1. This is a very interesting project! We are a waste to energy technology company. I would love to learn more about this initiative if possible.