WMW invites you to enter our new Big Picture photo competition for photographs depicting innovative uses of waste materials and end-of-life products.

Over the years here at WMW we’ve seen a lot of great pictures showing some ingenious uses of waste. We’ve seen old bicycles being repurposed as water pumps, light bulbs being turned into mini planters and terrariums and we’ve even seen e-waste being turned into art.

Now we’re asking you to send in your photographs for the inaugural Waste Management World Big Picture Competition for your chance to have your photograph featured in a coming issue of WMW. (Share on Twitter) (Share on Facebook)

It could be a picture of upcycled end-of-life products, such as the suitcase which has been repurposed into a novel speaker case below.


Credit: TheDigitel Myrtle Beach

Or it could be an example of a waste item being transformed into a piece of art, such as the car door below.

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Credit: Recycle Santa Fe

Or something a bit bigger, like the Eden Project’s famous WEEE Man.

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Credit: Loz Pycock

Or maybe a bit of fun, like this TV in a London pub which has been repurposed into a fish tank.


Credit: SergeJF

For your chance to show off your picture-taking expertise and highlight upcycling and repurposing of end-of-life products or sculptures and art produced from wastes go to our competition entry page HERE

The winning photo will be featured in Waste Management World magazine!


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